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7 Common Table Lamp Buying Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Room’s Style

Have you ever bought a table lamp that looked perfectly fine in the store, but turned out to be a disaster when you brought it home? If so, you are not alone. Many people make common mistakes when choosing table lamps that can ruin their room’s style and mood.

In this article we will reveal the 7 most frequent table lamp buying blunders and how to avoid them. Whether you want to create a cozy, elegant, or modern atmosphere in your space, you need to pay attention to these crucial factors before you buy your next table lamp.

1) Not Comparing Lamp Size With The Table Size

One of the most important aspects of a table lamp selection is proportion. A table lamp should be according to the size and shape of the table it is placed on, as well as the other furniture and objects in the room. 

A very big or too small lamp on the table will look awkward & may also affect the balance and harmony of the room.

One of the most important aspects of a table lamp selection is proportion. A table lamp should be according to the size and shape of the table it is placed on, as well as the other furniture and objects in the room. 

A very big or too small lamp on the table will look awkward & may also affect the balance and harmony of the room.

So, to avoid this mistake, you should measure the height and width of your table and compare it with the dimensions of the lamp you are interested in.

A good rule of thumb is that the combined height of the lamp and the table should be between 58 and 64 inches, and the lamp shade should not be wider than the table.

You should also consider the shape and character of the table and the lamp and choose a lamp that matches or complements the style of the table.

cartoon image of a man trying hard to read under a low table lamp light

2) Buying A Table Lamp Without Inspecting Its Light Quality.

Buying a table lamp without inspecting its light quality could lead to a poor lighting experience, causing eye strain and discomfort. 

You can ensure a comfortable and well-lit environment by taking the time to evaluate the light quality before purchasing. 

The amount and quality of light depend on several factors, such as the wattage and type of the bulb, the color and material of the lamp shade, and the position and direction of the table lamp.

To avoid this mistake, you should think about the purpose and mood of your room, and choose a lamp that suits your lighting needs. 

For example, if you need a lamp for reading or working, you should select a lamp that has a bulb that produces a bright and clear light, such as an LED or halogen bulb, with a lampshade that is light-colored and translucent, such as white or cream. 

If you need a lamp for relaxing or creating ambiance, you should choose a lamp that has a soft and warm light. A lamp with an incandescent or fluorescent bulb with a lamp shade that is dark-colored and opaque, such as black or brown should be the right choice in this case. 

You should also use a dimmer switch or a three-way bulb to control the brightness of the light.

3) Not Considering The Style & Color Scheme Of The Room

A table lamp should also match the style and color scheme of the room to create a sense of harmony and cohesiom. 

A lamp that does not match the room’s color scheme also clash with the other elements of the room decor. 

The style and color of the lamp should reflect the theme and personality of the room, and complement or contrast with the other colors and textures in the room

To avoid this mistake, you should think about the overall style and mood of the room, before buying the lamp & choose one that fits or enhances that mood & style.

For example, if you have a modern and minimalist room, you should choose a lamp that has a simple and sleek design with a neutral or metallic color, such as silver or black. 

If you have a traditional and cozy room, select a lamp that has a classic and ornate design with a warm or rich color, such as gold or red³. 

Also, don’t forget to consider the other accessories and accents in the room, and choose a lamp that coordinates or contrasts with them.

cartoon image of a mam writing under a table lamp light

4) Buying A Table Lamp Without Right Features & Functions

A table lamp should also have the right features and functions according to your needs and preferences. 

A table lamp without the right features and functions will not only affect the performance of the lamp but also the safety and durability of the lamp. 

Some of the features and functions that you should look for in a table lamp are:

The Base

The base of the table lamp should be sturdy, stable, and have a suitable weight and shape for the table. 

A table lamp with a weak or wobbly base may tip over or fall, and cause damage or injury. 

On the other hand, a table lamp with a heavy or bulky base may take up too much space or interfere with the other objects on the table.

The Cord

Always prefer a table lamp with long and flexible cord, so it can easily reach the nearest outlet. 

A lamp that has a short or stiff cord may limit the placement and movement of the lamp and can cause inconvenience or frustration. 

Also, a visible or messy lamp cord may ruin the aesthetic and elegance of the lamp.

The Switch

The switch of your table lamp should be easy and comfortable to access and operate, with a reliable and smooth function. 

A table lamp with a hard or inconvenient switch may cause difficulty or annoyance when turning the lamp on or off. 

A lamp that has a faulty or noisy switch may cause malfunction or disturbance.

The Shade

The shade of your table lamp should be compatible and adjustable with the bulb and the base. It should also have a suitable shape and size for the lamp. 

A lamp that has an incompatible or fixed shade may cause overheating or fire hazards and also affect the quality and distribution of the light. 

A lamp that has a wrong or disproportionate shade may look unbalanced or unattractive.

5) Buying A Table Lamp Without Prior Testing

One of the biggest mistakes that people make while buying a table lamp is buying it without testing it first. 

A table lamp may look good and promising in the store or online, but it may not work well or look good in your home. 

A table lamp may have defects or damages that are not visible or detectable until you use it. 

To avoid this mistake, always test the lamp before you buy it, or at least buy a lamp having a return or exchange policy. 

You should check the lamp for any flaws or faults, such as cracks, scratches, dents, loose parts, or broken wires. 

You should also plug in the lamp, turn it on, and see how it works and looks in different settings and situations before purchasing it.

Also, observe the color, brightness, and direction of the light, and how it can affect the mood and appearance of your room. 

You should also compare the lamp with the other lamps and furniture in the room, and see whether it matches or contrasts with them.

6) Buying A Lamp That Is Either Too Costly Or Too Cheap

Another common mistake that people make is that they often buy a table lamp that is too expensive or too cheap. 

Always try to always try to maintain a balance between the quality and price while purchasing a table lamp. 

A table lamp should have a reasonable and affordable price that reflects its quality and value. 

A very expensive or very cheap table lamp may not be worth it or satisfying, and may also cause problems or regrets in the future.

To avoid this mistake, you should do some research and comparison before you buy a table lamp, Also, set a budget and a limit for yourself. You should search for the best deals and discounts that are available, and avoid the impulse or pressure to buy a lamp that is beyond your means or needs.

You should also look for the best quality and features that you can get within your budget. Also, avoid the temptation to buy a lamp that is below your standards or expectations. 

You should also consider the maintenance and repair costs that may come with the lamp, and choose a lamp with easy and cheap maintenance options.

7) Buying A Table Lamp That You Don't Need

The last and most common mistake is that people often buy a table lamp that they don’t need. 

A table lamp should be a personal and meaningful choice that reflects your taste and personality and fulfills your purpose. 

So, a lamp that you do not need may not bring you joy or satisfaction, and may also waste your time and money.

To avoid this mistake, Always follow your heart and intuition when buying a table lamp. Choose a lamp that makes you happy and comfortable. You should also think about your needs and preferences, and choose a lamp that meets your requirements. 

Always try to be creative and adventurous, and choose a lamp that expresses your style and also adds some flair and fun to your room.

Closing Remarks

A table lamp can be a great addition to your home decor if you choose the right one according to your needs and tastes. 

I hope you will not make the mistakes mentioned in this article the next time you buy a table lamp.

Please let us know your suggestions, feedback, or experiences via comments or email. Have a nice day! 😊

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